JBAA Statement on Gender Inclusivity and Club Values

As we make our way towards the light at the end of the COVID tunnel, JBAA recognizes its part in reconnecting the community with sport is to make the sport of rugby welcoming and available to all members of the community. Inclusivity in sport is more important now than ever before and JBAA is making a commitment to providing a safe space for all genders to play rugby and be part of an environment that values Family, Integrity and Accountability over all else.

We appreciate the progress our mini and junior programs have made by offering an opportunity for all genders to participate. We also acknowledge that as a club we haven’t progressed fast enough to offer a senior program to a significant number of our maturing youth to graduate into. It is through this self-reflection as a club that this Fall we are kickstarting our Senior Womens program.

JBAA programs will continue to celebrate each individual, to embrace their personal, interpersonal and social idiosyncrasies and to develop the person as much as the athlete. It is the goal of James Bay Athletic Association, as a family, to contribute to the lives of any and all members of the James Bay community, and the Greater Victoria community as a whole.

Together, through sport, we will grow.

Board of Directors
James Bay Athletic Association